The Buddhist Metta (LovingKindness Prayer)

May all beings on planet Earth be happy. May they be well. May they be peaceful. May they be free

Words of the Buddha

The Dhammapada

6. The Wise Man

81. Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.


The Dhammapada

Keep Gratitude in your heart.

The Dhammapada 3. The Mind

42. An enemy can hurt an enemy, and a man who hates can harm another man; but a man’s own mind, if wrongly directed, can do him a far greater harm.

Words of the Buddha

Quote from the Buddha

“Through zeal, knowledge is gotten; through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost.”



Meet the housemates with a 68 year age gap

At a time when unfortunately families no longer always live close enough to care for thier older members here is an initiative which aims to tackle loneliness by matching older people looking for companionship with a young person who needs somewhere sffordsble to live.

For more details check out the BBC website