Making something beautiful 

Angela Pozzi makes not jaur beautiful art but art with a powerful statement about the plastic waste in our oceans. 

Using the plastic collected from the oceans Washed Ashore has some stunning prices of art that are currently on display at Natural Science Centers around the US

Washed Ashore -Angela Pozzi



National Geographic,  believe ideas can come from anywhere and anyone. So they created CHASING GENIUS, a new digital community designed to inspire, ignite, and enable the genius inside each of us.

Check out the website

National Geographic Chasing Genius

“To find out if your idea is a spark of genius, create a one-minute video describing your CHASING GENIUS idea and the solution it provides. Your idea will be evaluated on the following criteria: innovation, creativity, viability, and inspiration.”


This day is for the man who awoke the love of the Oceans in so many and for those who now dedicate their lives to protect them and the environment we all depend on.

TO find out more about the legacy he gave us check out

Cousteau Divers – The Journey continues 

and to see how you may help

Cousteau Divers



So technical problems stopped me posting about World Oceans Day on 8 June but as I feel everyday should be Oceans Day there is nothing wrong be few days out.

Here is a video OCEARCH Twitter put together to celebrate the day.

World Ocean Day

Remember we need Sharks to keep our oceans in balance and we need oceans to survive.




Earth Day 2017’s Campaign is Environmental & Climate Literacy.  Check out their website.

Remember it is our Earth and the responsibility of all of us to care for it

Earth Day


I was so excited that I managed a good ping the other day that I forgot to blog it.  Since my last ping on October 1st 2016 I have travelled from Long Island to just off Pamlico Sound. North Carolina.

This not far from where OCEARCH are currently on their Lowcountry expedition.

So far 4 sharks have been tagged White Sharks Hilton and Savannah and Tiger Sharks Weimar and Beaufort.  You can follow them all on the Global Tracker and Twitter Beaufort twitter   Hilton twitter   Savannah twitter    Weimar twitter



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Tagging White Shark Savannah

Tagging White Shark Savannah during Lowcountry Expedition on 6 March 2017.

Named in honour of the people of Savannah, GA in thanks for their hospitality and passion for the ocean.

She is an immature female weighing 450 lbs and total length of 8.6 ft.

You can follow her tracks on the Global Shark tracker and chat to her on

Tagging Savannah

OCEARCH and Jacksonville University

New HQ for OCEARCH at Jacksonville University.

Article by FOLIO Weekly about the new collaboration between Jacksonville University and the Nonprofit research organisation OCEARCH

This partnership will help move the research and marine conservation.

OCEARCH partner with Jacksonville University

Practising Buddhism in Daily Life

Want to see how you can practise Buddhism in your everyday modern life, here is an article by  It is easier then you think.


Many people have the misconception that spiritual life or religious life is somewhere up there in the sky—an ethereal or mystical reality—and that our everyday life is too mundane and not so nice. Often people think that to be a spiritual person, we must ignore or neglect our everyday life, and go into another, special realm. Actually, I think being a spiritual person means becoming a real human being. Thich Nhat Hanh, a well-known Vietnamese monk, said, “It is not so important whether you walk on water or walk in space. The true miracle is to walk on earth.” It’s true. In other words, becoming a kind human being is probably the greatest miracle we can perform.

Practising Buddhism in daily life