World Water Day

The theme this year is Nature for Water

We to look at nature and what we are doing to it before we destroy the ecosystem that ensures there is water for all

Environmental damage, together with climate change, is driving the water-related crises we see around the world. Floods, drought and water pollution are all made worse by degraded vegetation, soil, rivers and lakes.

Inner Peace is the Key

“Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility…without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed, or unhappy because of circumstances.”

Dalai Lama

Inner Peace is the Key

A sense of contentment is crucial to being happy.

“A sense of contentment is crucial to being happy. Physical health, material wealth and friends contribute to this, but contentment governs our relations with them all.”

Dalai Lama

Without Forgiveness – Roberto Assagioli

“Without forgiveness, life is governed… an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.

Roberto Assagioli

International Women’s Day

“International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women’s Day (IWD) has occurred for well over a century, with the first March 8 IWD gathering supported by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Prior to this the Socialist Party of America, United Kingdom’s Suffragists and Suffragettes, and further groups campaigned for women equality. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organisation specific. Make IWD your day! – everyday!

International Women’s Day

The Buddhist Metta (LovingKindness Prayer)

May all beings on planet Earth be happy. May they be well. May they be peaceful. May they be free

Genuine human friendship.. Dalai Lama

“Genuine human friendship is on the basis of human affection, irrespective of your position. Therefore, the more you show concern about the welfare and rights of others, the more you are a genuine friend. The more you remain open and sincere, then ultimately more benefits will come to you. If you forget or do not bother about others, then eventually you will lose your own benefit.”

Dalai Lama

Valentine Day Quote

“The gifts of lovers to one another are, in respect of love, naught but forms;(But the purpose is) that the gifts may have borne testimony to feelings of love which are concealed in secrecy, Because outward acts of kindness bear witness to feelings of love in the heart, O dear friend.”
