World Water Day

The theme this year is Nature for Water

We to look at nature and what we are doing to it before we destroy the ecosystem that ensures there is water for all

Environmental damage, together with climate change, is driving the water-related crises we see around the world. Floods, drought and water pollution are all made worse by degraded vegetation, soil, rivers and lakes.

Cleaning Experimental Reef off California

Divers Remove ‘Toxic’ Experimental Reef off California

Hundreds of used tires and plastic waste were deliberately dumped in 1998 in a failed attempt to help the ocean ecosystem. NBC news

Check out this video

NBC News video

Meet the housemates with a 68 year age gap

At a time when unfortunately families no longer always live close enough to care for thier older members here is an initiative which aims to tackle loneliness by matching older people looking for companionship with a young person who needs somewhere sffordsble to live.

For more details check out the BBC website

Making something beautiful 

Angela Pozzi makes not jaur beautiful art but art with a powerful statement about the plastic waste in our oceans. 

Using the plastic collected from the oceans Washed Ashore has some stunning prices of art that are currently on display at Natural Science Centers around the US

Washed Ashore -Angela Pozzi


This day is for the man who awoke the love of the Oceans in so many and for those who now dedicate their lives to protect them and the environment we all depend on.

TO find out more about the legacy he gave us check out

Cousteau Divers – The Journey continues 

and to see how you may help

Cousteau Divers



Earth Day 2017’s Campaign is Environmental & Climate Literacy.  Check out their website.

Remember it is our Earth and the responsibility of all of us to care for it

Earth Day

Party Time

The Virginian Pilot have reported the 11 OCEARCH sharks pinging of the coast of the Lowcountries

They are

Savannah, Grey Lady, George, Cisco, Oscar, Hilton, Weimar, Beaufort, Manhattan me and Mary Lee

Shark gathering

Plastic pollution toll on wildlife expected to rise to 95 per cent, G20 to hear

More than half the world’s turtles and two-thirds of some bird species along Australia’s east coast are being found to have ingested plastics as the toll from pollution mounts.

Source: Plastic pollution toll on wildlife expected to rise to 95 per cent, G20 to hear

Save the Humans

We are use to hearing Save Our (insert animal here) but this is article in the Huffington Post is about saving Humans too.

Written by Moby it explains about the amount of gases produced by the raisng of animals for human consumption contributed to climate change

“Animal agriculture is responsible for more climate change gases than every car, boat, train and airplane on the planet, combined.”

Save the Humans